Lechburg | Tradition-en
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This is the story of a northern Italian family to which the exaltation of passion inherited from generations of winemakers, has created an adventure culminated in the installation of new vineyards in the wine growing area of Lechinta, enchanted land in the heart of Transylvania.
Vites Saxonum
Lands of strong wine vocation that find their celebration in the great and historic tradition of the Grands Crus Saxon. We are at the Carpathian foothills, unspoilt area of a strong naturalistic impact.
The Lechinta zone is a wine-growing area of small extent but with a strong tradition specialised since the XIII century thanks to the people of Saxon originated from the Rhine Valley and the Moselle.
The imprint of Alsatian and Rhenish tradition is therefore the distinctive character of the local viticulture. In the XX century, however, the winegrowers Masters returned to native lands as a result of th end of the Second World War.
The country’s economic recovery and the European integration have given impulse and courage to international investors bringing the land back to its former glory.
In respect of the territory and with the intent to preserve the natural heritage we have made a courageous and conscious choice which finds its expression in the accurate implementation of the organic farming method.